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What is TJ Cash?
TJ Cash is the special exchange currency of the TheJerseys website.
1 TJ Cash =$1 (USD)
(tips: no deadline, you can use it anytime when you make order.)
How to Get TJ CASH?
1. Affiliate Program
Invite friends to register and place an order to get a rich reward, No amount cap, The more invite order you get the more you get.
CLICK HERE for more details.
2. Write a Review
10 words + 1 Photo, Get $5 TJ Cash.
3. Upload a Video Review
Make a video that is over 3 minutes,upload the video to Youtube and when it has 500 views
you can get $19.98 TJ Cash .
Tips: Login >My Account >All Order
4. Order Amount over $500
When all of your orders amount reach $500, you can get 500 TJ points to exchange $20 cash coupon.
Log in to quickly track your order
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